Road: | A50 |
Date: | 2016-08-08 |
Time: | 20:00 - 05:00 |
Duration: | 1 night |
Description of work: | Foston Hatton Hilton Bypass from the A511 interchange to the A515 roundabout westbound, - Cyclic maintenance - road marking/stud replacement, sweeping and drain cleaning. Works will be undertaken within a full road closure. |
Anticipated Impact: | Slight delays possible – There will be a signed diversion route in place |
Connect Roads Limited registered in England and Wales with no. 2988999 registered office Q14 Quorum Business Park, Benton Lane, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 8BU, as agent of Balfour Beatty Group Limited, registered no. 101073, registered office. // 130 Wilton Road, London, SW1V 1LQ